Uncontrolled Rectifier- Definition, Working & Types

Definition: An uncontrolled rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) using diodes. These rectifiers are called “uncontrolled” because the diodes used in the rectification process do not allow for any regulation or control over the output voltage and current once the rectifier is designed and built. The rectification process solely depends on the diodes’ properties and the AC input.

Types of Uncontrolled Rectifiers

Uncontrolled rectifiers are categorized as single-phase and three-phase. The following outlines the classification of uncontrolled rectifiers or converters.

  • Single-phase Uncontrolled rectifier
    • Half-wave uncontrolled rectifier
    • Full-wave uncontrolled rectifier
      • Center tapped rectifier
      • Bridge rectifier
  • Three-phase Uncontrolled rectifier
    • Half-wave uncontrolled rectifier
    • Full-wave uncontrolled rectifier
      • Center tapped rectifier
      • Bridge rectifier
    • Double-star uncontrolled rectifier

Single-Phase Half-Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier

Single-Phase Half-Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier

A single-phase half-wave uncontrolled rectifier is a basic electronic circuit designed to convert an alternating current (AC) input voltage into a direct current (DC) output voltage. Its simplicity makes it a fundamental building block in power electronics. The primary components of this rectifier include an AC voltage source, a diode, and a load resistor.

The AC voltage source provides the input signal, typically a sinusoidal waveform that oscillates between positive and negative values. The diode, a semiconductor device, is connected in series with the AC source and the load resistor(R). The load resistor is where the rectified output voltage is measured, and it is connected to the cathode of the diode, completing the circuit.

The operation of a half-wave rectifier can be understood by examining the behavior of the diode during different phases of the AC input cycle.

  1. Positive Half-Cycle: During the positive half-cycle of the AC input voltage, the anode of the diode becomes positive relative to the cathode. This forward-biases the diode, allowing it to conduct current. When the diode is forward-biased, it effectively acts as a closed switch, allowing current to flow through it and through the load resistor. As a result, a voltage develops across the load resistor that closely follows the input voltage minus the small forward voltage drop of the diode (typically about 0.7V for a silicon diode). Consequently, during this half-cycle, the output voltage across the load resistor is a positive, pulsating DC voltage.
  2. Negative Half-Cycle: During the negative half-cycle of the AC input voltage, the anode of the diode becomes negative relative to the cathode. This reverse-biases the diode, preventing it from conducting current. In this state, the diode acts as an open switch, blocking any current from flowing through the circuit. As a result, no current flows through the load resistor, and the output voltage drops to zero. Therefore, during this half-cycle, the output voltage across the load resistor is zero.

The output voltage of a half-wave rectifier is a pulsating DC signal that only appears during the positive half-cycles of the AC input. This results in a waveform that has gaps corresponding to the negative half-cycles, creating a non-continuous, pulsating output. The frequency of the output pulsations is the same as the frequency of the AC input.

The output of a half-wave rectifier contains a significant amount of ripple, which is the residual periodic variation in the DC voltage. This ripple is a result of the incomplete conversion of the AC waveform and is typically undesirable in many applications. To smooth out the ripple, additional filtering components, such as capacitors, are often used.

Single-Phase Full-Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier

A single-phase full-wave uncontrolled rectifier is a circuit that converts an alternating current (AC) input voltage into a direct current (DC) output voltage. It does so more efficiently than a half-wave rectifier by utilizing both halves of the AC waveform. Full-wave rectifiers can be implemented using either a center-tapped transformer with two diodes or a bridge configuration with four diodes.

Center-Tapped Full-Wave Rectifier

Center-Tapped Full-Wave Rectifier

Circuit Description: In a center-tapped full-wave rectifier, a transformer with a center-tapped secondary winding is used. The center tap serves as a reference point (ground), and two diodes are connected in such a way that each one rectifies one-half of the AC waveform. The load resistor is connected across the output terminals.

Working Principle:
  1. Positive Half-Cycle:
    • During the positive half-cycle of the AC input, the voltage at the upper end of the secondary winding is positive relative to the center tap. The corresponding diode (let’s call it D1) is forward-biased and conducts current.
    • The current flows through D1, passes through the load resistor, and returns to the center tap, creating a positive voltage across the load resistor(R).
    • The other diode (D2) is reverse-biased during this half-cycle and does not conduct.
  2. Negative Half-Cycle:
    • During the negative half-cycle of the AC input, the voltage at the lower end of the secondary winding is positive relative to the center tap. The corresponding diode (D2) is forward-biased and conducts current.
    • The current flows through D2, passes through the load resistor, and returns to the center tap, again creating a positive voltage across the load resistor.
    • The first diode (D1) is reverse-biased during this half-cycle and does not conduct.

The output voltage across the load resistor is thus a pulsating DC waveform that utilizes both halves of the AC input, resulting in a smoother and higher average output voltage compared to a half-wave rectifier.

Bridge Full-Wave Rectifier

Bridge Full-Wave Rectifier

Circuit Description: In a bridge rectifier, four diodes are arranged in a bridge configuration. The AC input is applied to two opposite corners of the bridge, and the load resistor is connected across the remaining two corners.

Working Principle:
  1. Positive Half-Cycle:
    • During the positive half-cycle of the AC input, diodes D1 and D2 are forward-biased and conduct current. The current flows from the positive terminal of the AC source, through D1, through the load resistor, and then through D2 back to the negative terminal of the AC source.
    • Diodes D3 and D4 are reverse-biased and do not conduct during this half-cycle.
  2. Negative Half-Cycle:
    • During the negative half-cycle of the AC input, diodes D3 and D4 are forward-biased and conduct current. The current flows from the positive terminal of the AC source, through D3, through the load resistor, and then through D4 back to the negative terminal of the AC source.
    • Diodes D1 and D2 are reverse-biased and do not conduct during this half-cycle.

As a result, the load resistor always sees current flowing in the same direction during both half-cycles of the AC input, producing a pulsating DC output with a frequency twice that of the AC input.

The output of a full-wave rectifier is a pulsating DC signal with a higher frequency of pulsations compared to a half-wave rectifier. The frequency of the output voltage is twice the frequency of the input AC voltage. This results in a smoother DC output with reduced ripple content. However, the output still contains some ripple, which can be minimized using filtering components like capacitors and inductors.

Full-wave rectifiers are more efficient than half-wave rectifiers because they utilize both halves of the AC input waveform. This leads to a higher average output voltage and improved power efficiency. Additionally, the reduced ripple content makes full-wave rectifiers more suitable for applications requiring a smoother DC output.

Three-Phase Half-Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier

A three-phase half-wave uncontrolled rectifier is a type of rectifier circuit that converts a three-phase AC input into a DC output. This rectifier uses three diodes, one for each phase of the AC supply, to rectify each phase individually. The result is a pulsating DC output that combines the contributions from all three phases.

The three-phase half-wave rectifier consists of:

  1. Three-Phase AC Supply: This provides the input voltage. It has three phases, typically labeled as VA​, VB​, and VC​.
  2. Three Diodes: Each diode is connected to one phase of the AC supply.
  3. Load Resistor: The load resistor is connected to the common cathode (or anode, depending on configuration) ends of the diodes.

Working Principle

three phase half wave rectifier

The working of a three-phase half-wave rectifier can be explained as follows:

  1. During Positive Half-Cycles:
    • Each diode conducts when its respective phase is at its positive peak relative to the neutral or ground.
    • For example, when VA​ is positive and higher than VB and VC​, the diode connected to phase A (D1) conducts.
    • The current flows through D1, passes through the load resistor, and returns to the neutral point.
  2. During Negative Half-Cycles:
    • During the negative half-cycle of each phase, the respective diode is reverse-biased and does not conduct.
    • As the AC supply cycles through its phases, each diode conducts in sequence as its phase voltage becomes the highest positive voltage at that time.

The output of a three-phase half-wave rectifier is a combination of the rectified voltages from each of the three phases. Since each phase is offset by 120 degrees, the output waveform has six pulses per cycle of the AC input (two pulses per phase per cycle), which makes it smoother than a single-phase rectifier.

Three-Phase Full-Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier

A three-phase full-wave uncontrolled rectifier is a more efficient circuit for converting three-phase AC input into a DC output. Unlike the half-wave rectifier, which only uses one half-cycle of the AC input, the full-wave rectifier uses both half-cycles, resulting in a smoother and higher average DC output.

The three-phase full-wave bridge rectifier consists of:

  1. Three-Phase AC Supply: This provides the input voltage. It has three phases, typically labeled as VA​, VB​, and VC​.
  2. Six Diodes: Arranged in a bridge configuration, with each phase connected to two diodes.
  3. Load Resistor: The load is connected across the DC output terminals of the bridge.

Working Principle

The working of a three-phase full-wave bridge rectifier can be explained by examining the conduction of the diodes during different intervals of the AC input cycle.

Three-Phase Full-Wave  Rectifier
  1. Positive Half-Cycle:
    • During the positive half-cycle of phase A (VA​ is the most positive), diode D1 (connected to phase A) and diode D6 (connected to phase C) are forward-biased and conduct.
    • Current flows from phase A through D1, passes through the load resistor, and returns through D6 to phase C.
    • Diodes D2, D3, D4, and D5 are reverse-biased and do not conduct during this interval.
  2. Negative Half-Cycle:
    • During the negative half-cycle of phase A (VA​ is the most negative), diode D2 (connected to phase A) and diode D3 (connected to phase B) are forward-biased and conduct.
    • Current flows from phase B through D3, passes through the load resistor, and returns through D2 to phase A.
    • Diodes D1, D4, D5, and D6 are reverse-biased and do not conduct during this interval.
  3. Intermediate Intervals:
    • In the intervals between the positive and negative half-cycles of each phase, the diodes switch conduction states in pairs, maintaining a continuous flow of current through the load.

The output of a three-phase full-wave bridge rectifier is a combination of the rectified voltages from all three phases. Because each phase is 120 degrees out of phase with the others, the resulting waveform has a higher frequency and is much smoother than the output of a single-phase or three-phase half-wave rectifier.

The output waveform has six pulses per cycle of the AC input (six-pulse rectifier), resulting in a ripple frequency that is six times the input frequency. This higher ripple frequency reduces the magnitude of the ripple, making the output voltage more continuous and smoother.

  1. Ripple Factor
  2. What is Diode?
  3. PIN Diode
  4. Varactor Diode
  5. Diffusion Capacitance of Diode

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