Explore the characteristics of an ideal diode, including zero forward voltage drop, infinite reverse resistance, instantaneous switching, and no leakage current.
An ideal diode is a theoretical diode that serves as a simplified model to understand basic diode behavior without the complexities of real-world diodes. Here are the key characteristics of an ideal diode:
Ideal Diode Characteristics
- Zero Forward Voltage Drop:
- In the forward bias condition, an ideal diode has zero voltage drop across it regardless of the current flowing through it. This means that the diode behaves like a perfect conductor when forward-biased.
- Infinite Reverse Resistance:
- In the reverse bias condition, an ideal diode has infinite resistance, which means no current flows through it regardless of the reverse voltage applied. When reverse-biased, the diode behaves like a perfect insulator.
- Instantaneous Switching:
- An ideal diode can instantaneously switch from the conducting (forward-biased) state to the non-conducting (reverse-biased) state and vice versa. There is no time delay or transition period.
- No Leakage Current:
- In reverse bias, an ideal diode has zero leakage current. Real diodes exhibit a small leakage current, but an ideal diode does not.
- No Reverse Breakdown:
- An ideal diode does not experience a breakdown at any reverse voltage. Real diodes can break down if the reverse voltage exceeds a certain threshold (breakdown voltage), but an ideal diode can withstand any reverse voltage without conducting.
I-V Characteristics of an Ideal Diode
The current-voltage (I-V) characteristic curve of an ideal diode is shown below:
Forward Bias:
- When the applied voltage V is positive (forward bias), the ideal diode conducts current freely with no voltage drop across it.

Reverse Bias:
- The ideal diode blocks all current when the applied voltage V is negative (reverse bias).

I-V characteristics of an ideal diode in forward and reverse bias are shown below,

Piecewise Linear Model
To represent the ideal diode behavior more practically, the piecewise linear model is often used:
- Forward Bias:
- V=0
- I>0
- Reverse Bias:
- V<0
- I=0
An ideal diode is a theoretical model simplifying diode behavior for easier understanding and analysis. Key characteristics include zero forward voltage drop, infinite reverse resistance, instantaneous switching, and no leakage current. In forward bias, the ideal diode conducts current with no voltage drop, while in reverse bias, it blocks all current flow.